Select the data you wish to download below.
The easiest way to download all the paintings is by downloading them directly from
the 4TU datarepository.
There are three steps to download only a selection of the paintings.
The easiest way to download all the bounding boxes (with padding) is by downloading these two files directly from
the 4TU datarepository.
The images:
The easiest way to download all the bounding boxes (without padding) is by downloading these two files directly from
the 4TU datarepository.
The easiest way to download all the human made bounding boxes (with padding) is by downloading them directly
from the 4TU datarepository.
All boxes with padding created by humans
Metadata for all boxes created by humans
The easiest way to download all the automatic bounding boxes (with padding) is by downloading them directly
from the 4TU datarepository.
All boxes with padding created by a neural network
Metadata for all automatically created by humans
The easiest way to download all the human made bounding boxes (with padding) is by downloading them directly
from the 4TU datarepository. , all boxes without padding created by humans
Metadata for all boxes created by humans
The easiest way to download all the automatic bounding boxes (with padding) is by downloading them directly
from the 4TU datarepository. , all boxes without padding created by a neural network
Metadata for all automatically created by humans
There are three steps to download only a selection of bounding boxes with padding.
There are three steps to download only a selection of bounding boxes without padding.
You can download all paintings at the maximum resolution that we have through this link: Click here!
The bounding boxes are available at a max resolution of 1024x1024. These are taken from the max resolution
paintings, and then resized to fit a 1024x1024 box (only if the bounding box would be bigger than
the max resolution). If you wish to have bounding boxes above this resolution, you will have to download the
paintings at the max resolution and use the data in the .csv files to create the boxes at the desired size.
You can create the .csv files through making a selection in the gallery, or by downloading this .csv that
contains all the bounding boxes: Click here!